The Dark Forest by Liu Cixin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Hooter: A sci fi where humanity needs to plan long term for survival against an imminent extraterrestrial threat
Building up on the 3 body problem, Liu continues to explore a complex web of aspects - human nature, science, economy. psychology, humanity, philosophy and a myriad range of topics under the covers of this science fiction. Honestly gets complex at time where you need to recap to get back to the groove on what all is happening across the various threads and how the story darts around each sub story. A group of wall facers - 4 selected humans whose job is protect humanity by secretly working on a project individually against a superior enemy that cannot enter the recesses of the human brain.
Without putting out the spoilers, Liu tackles a lot of subjects through this second book of the trilogy and makes for focused reading but rewarding at the end of it as he explores a lot of areas in this vast expanse of space at all planes though you need to trudge through parts as it gets chaotic at times.
Overall a good solid science fiction, builds on part 1 and keeps you going on figuring out the next book in the series.
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