My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Hooter: The Apocalypse is on its way whether you like it or not - a satirical and witty take on all things conventional as the world prepares for D-day.
Pratchett and Gaiman collaborated together long before they become The Pratchett and The Gaiman and whip up a witty dry British humour tossed up for an apocalypse.
"Don't think of it as dying, simply think of it as leaving early to beat the rush."
The Devil and Angel Syndicate are rearing the chosen one - the Anti Christ only to realise 11 years later, they have the wrong kid. In a comedy of errors as they try to wrong the rights or right the wrongs - depending on which side of the fence you are on. Crowley in his Bentley listening to Queen is my favourite character.
The challenge with having two highly witty and intelligent British writers is, some of the humor just goes over your head and you end up sauntering around hoping to catch the drift soon. Those moments felt like a drag. This isn't a laugh riot as it is made to be but polite British chuckle as you sift through the pages.
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