Thursday, November 26, 2020

Review: Tharoorosaurus

Tharoorosaurus Tharoorosaurus by Shashi Tharoor
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Hooter: Collection of 53 obscure and not so obscure words curated by Shashi Tharoor

This is Shashi Tharoor flexing his brand image as a man of big words especially as obscure as they can get. Quite a few aren't so obscure courtesy him having made them trend on Twitter. The selection of words have been done so to keep current trends and relevance to the Indian English market so probably why you'd have seen / read them. This book could have been a listicle would be my feedback.

Not all have interesting origins which I was hoping for hence making it as humdrum an exercise like reading a telephone directory back to back and most examples of negative usage were in-your-face political jibes at a specific political opponent/ideology.

This book probably works well as a fun gift during Secret Santa but I'd say someone get a listicle up and we are sorted here.

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