Monday, September 04, 2023

Review: I Came Upon a Lighthouse: A Short Memoir Of Life With Ratan Tata

I Came Upon a Lighthouse: A Short Memoir Of Life With Ratan Tata I Came Upon a Lighthouse: A Short Memoir Of Life With Ratan Tata by Shantanu Naidu
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Hooter: A memoir on interacting with Ratan Tata - the friend rather than the business tycoon.

Everyone has heard of Shantanu especially after Humans of Bombay did a piece on how this GenZ is Ratan Tata's best friend through their love of animals. Shantanu takes it a step further sharing his background and how he met Ratan and how their friendship blossomed , whilst he shared his guarded apprehensions of meeting a tycoon who is worshipped in his fifth generation Tata family.

Light, heart warming and a unique perspective about Ratan Tata as a friend rather than the professional successful tycoon we usually read of. The book is a breezy read in comfortable language like a warm blanket of a cold night.

Rather than a chronological order of events for the history book, it focusses more on the relationship like any two friends - just that one friend is the Ratan Tata.

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