Thursday, February 13, 2025

Review: Malibu Rising

Malibu Rising Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Hooter: The high life of the rich and famous in Malibu - a soap opera

I had shortlisted this book because it won the historical fiction award in GoodReads. It was a historical fiction but wasn't my cup of tea as it was a tedious round robin of relationships and break ups and the Page 3 shenanigans.

A family of 4 siblings using surfing instead of getting therapy to process the maddening world around them with broken relationships. The format Taylor applies is a good one switching between times and the key characters building up on their background stories as we progress but a build up to nothing that was of interest to me. Might as well have watched a soap opera or Dubai Bling. Maybe Malibu Bling has a premise to work on dished out through this book.

A lot of fiction set in a time gone by is the technical definition by which this book can be called a historical fiction. Otherwise Malibu's got latent is all I can say.

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