Saturday, May 06, 2006

Enter Sandman

A speeding car screeches to a halt. The dust settles and the door opens. Focus on a long pair of legs wearing patent shoes. The music tempo picks up. That Is a movie style entry. But then this is just a blog, so cutting the melodrama, B@Dshah is here. After loads of requests and queries, I finally decided to jump onto the bandwagon of people who believe their thoughts should be heard by the outside world. I don’t know if I care for the outside world reads what I read, writing is a brilliant alternative for me for the lack of a best friend. Its like seeing myself from a 2nd person view and hence find flaws I wouldn’t see as a first person.

Half of you who know me are reading this and having read the title would love to pull my leg to get back at me, because the queue to kill me is too long for you to bear, but let me take your joke away from you. Yes, I know sandman reminds you of that mythical dude who supposedly puts you to bed, so be it, who asked you to read this in the first place? Anyways, my blog titles are gonna be song lyrics atleast at my present fancy.

What to expect in The Shah’s blog ? A frank and diplomatic approach that pretty much characterises me, a trade off between both keeping controversy to the minimal unless ofcourse its harmless. Then again, I seriously wouldn’t plan this out, its best left abstract, that defines me better. The urge to be unique and the pulse of creativity that beats in me, change is the only thing constant. Though, there are numerous questions people ask about Vivek Shah, they might get answered here to my best knowledge. Because I myself am still learning about him, his unpredictability gets to me. Maybe that’s why he remains an interesting character for me.

Why am I finally warped into writing a blog? A long break between exams and the ECD paper, beautiful weather with rainstorms that ruined net lab equipment, and a calm and empty hostel. This seemed idealistic enough for me to start, or in other words, nothing better to do.

Expect a bit of everything, coz spice is the essence of life and a part and parcel of any Indian. Guess the fact that am a Gujarati, born in Kolkata, and brought up in Sharjah and Bahrain, studying in Trichy and home in Bangalore, gives me this opportunity of seeing things in varied shades allowing a spicier version of life. The Global Indian as friends would like to call me having visited atleast 0.05% of the 200 odd UN states.

I’ll cut down on the GRE words too, on public request but seriously, I rarely use them, but guess that rarity also acts as a turn off but can’t help it at times when I get absorbed into unconsciously typing away whatever my brain vomits out. As for those who been expecting my rhyming blogs from the days of spider (our LAN chaat zone) which reeks of unbearable chaat now, well expect an essence of it here too.


03 May 2006

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh ho!
apun ka da, kya?!