Friday, March 05, 2021

Review: The Perfect Swing

The Perfect Swing The Perfect Swing by James McGirk
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Hooter: An analysis of the baseball swing between technically correct DiMaggio and the unorthodox Ted Williams - both greats in their own rights

This is marked as a bedtime story under Audible with Nick Jonas narrating it. I wasn't sure why till I heard Nick narrate. He manages to get you to want to doze off with the lullaby tone and speed he uses. For baseball fans, this is a nice quick look into the technical differences in their swing styles and the framework of a good swing and James McGirk does a good job in being able to make the reader/listener visualise the swing but it pretty much stops at that.

Being a very short one, you get through fine, any more and you'd feel like you are sitting in the Baseball theory 101 class.

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